Often, beliefs about ourselves or our world taken on as a child can have a negative, sometimes detrimental effect throughout our lives. These beliefs can lead us to feel as if a part of us is missing, there is a general void, hurt, or pattern of self-destructive behavior.

During a Childhood Healing Regression session, while in a state of deep relaxation, you are given the opportunity to revisit the time when one such belief became seeded as truth within your mind.

Healing occurs as pieces of yourself that may have been lost are re-integrated; restoring balance to your energetic body, and creating the feeling of healed wholeness, with a fresh perspective.


During your session, you will be introduced into deep relaxation. This relaxed state will allow gentle conversations with your subconscious to occur. After this deeply relaxed state has been achieved, we then regress to the moment your subconscious took on the belief that is no longer serving you, that you wish to offer healing to.

In this session, your wounded inner child can express thoughts and feelings from that time in an environment that is safe and free from judgment or consequence.

You are given the opportunity to extend compassion and forgiveness to your child-self and to the person(s) that may have been responsible for the belief to take hold.

When the belief has been released, your wounded inner child is given the ability to re-integrate pieces that may have gone missing. Pieces retrieved and re-integrated often correspond with chakras (energy centers) that have been blocked or stifled. Through reintegration, you are restoring balance to your energetic body.

Should there be other instances in your life where this belief may have had a negative or limiting effect, they are visited and offered the same processing, healing, and re-integration.

When you feel that you are again whole, and your session focus has been attained, you are gently guided back to full conscious awareness.


Common feelings noted post-session are that of relaxation, increased motivation and energy, and serenity.


Average Session length is: 2 - 2.5 Hours

Pre-session introduction, intake, and goal review:

30-45 mins

Time spent in a deepened state of relaxation:

between 60-90 mins

Post-session integration and review of your experience:

20 mins

If you’re curious about Childhood Healing Regression,

please schedule an Initial Consultation here.