Hypnosis is described as a gentle and effective way to communicate with the subconscious mind. The process involves being gently guided into a deeply relaxed state, often described as being in between sleep and waking.

It is during this deeply relaxed state that your desired change is introduced. The purpose of subconscious communication in hypnosis is to facilitate progress and help you move forward toward reaching your goal.

Transpersonal/Spiritual Hypnosis- Considers you as a whole being, in mind, body, and spirit. Your spiritual beliefs are incorporated to facilitate self-healing, clarity and to help create lasting positive change.

Traditional Goal Oriented Hypnosis- While in a state of deep relaxation, your desired goal/change discussed during our Introduction session is presented to your subconscious. Suggestions of new patterns to be adopted are also presented and will assist in creating your desired change. (These new patterns are created by you before the session and introduced to your subconscious during your session.)

Spiritual Regression- While in a state of deep relaxation, your subconscious is invited to recall past events that can help shed insight into present-day patterns and behaviors. The insight gained can provide clarity, healing, and the opportunity to “leave the past in the past.”

Spiritual Regression Sessions offered:

Past-Life Regression, Childhood Healing Regression, Life Between Lives, Spiritual/Healing


BUILD- Confidence, Gratitude, Happiness, Knowledge of Self, Positive Relationships, Self-Love, Sense of Safety, and Trust.

INCREASE- Abundance, Clarity, Compassion, Self-Esteem, Self-Love, and Wholeness.

IMPROVE- Attitude and Perception, Concentration and Focus, Communication Skills, Intuition, Self-Talk, and Stress Responses.

RELEASE- Anger, Anxiety, Guilt, Self- Doubt, Phobias and Fears, Unhealthy Habits, Un-serving Patterns and Beliefs.


Several sessions may be needed to fully achieve the goal that you set. To accomplish a focused goal, 4 sessions spread over a 2-month timeframe are generally suggested. This allows your goal to be introduced, time for action, integration, and your desired goal to be realized.

By consistently communicating your goal with your subconscious, your commitment to yourself in reaching your goal is internally demonstrated.


During your session, you will be introduced into a state of deep relaxation. This relaxed state will allow gentle conversation with your subconscious to occur. The seed of your desired goal is planted, and conscious actions to assist in your goal attainment are introduced.

This subconscious communication will allow you to move forward toward attaining your goal.

After your goal and action plan have been introduced to your subconscious, you will be gently guided from your relaxed state to full room awareness.

It is important to note, that although an induced state of deep relaxation is attained, you (the client) remain in control at all times.


Common feelings noted post session are that of relaxation, increased motivation and energy, and serenity.

It is suggested to schedule this session type when you have a clear schedule for the remainder of your day.


Intro Session length is 90 minutes.

Average Traditional Hypnosis session length: 60 minutes.

Time spent in a deepened state of relaxation:

20 minutes.

Pre-session conversation: 15 mins

Post-session integration and review of your experience:

15 mins

If you’re curious about Hypnosis, and if it may be a good fit for you, please schedule a consultation here.

Client Testimonial-

"Hypnosis really helped me on so many levels. It was a time for me to get still and get real with myself on some of the trauma that I had not been addressing for quite some time now. Peggy held a comforting space that allowed me to work through some of those things as well as talk to me afterwards about the underlying message and connection to reality. She really is a special person and I am just so thankful for how well she took care of me. After my sessions, I felt so recharged and reset and even clear as to where to begin my next chapter with healing. Highly recommend! Excited to continue this work as well!” - CT, CO